Friday, August 6, 2010

Take the Plunge!


Have you ever felt like you were on the verge of doing something big? You ever stood at the edge of a cliff psyching yourself to jump or like the kid in the picture, contemplated the sheer awesomeness of what could be?

I know I have.

In my neighborhood we have a hill that was pretty big and pretty steep, maybe not quite so steep as the wild child above, but big, steep, and curvy. Growing up, we used to fly down this hill with our bikes and skateboards.

One day, cruising at the top of the hill with our bikes, someone said, “What if someone went down that hill with no hands and just conquered it?” Everyone was stoked, but no one really wanted to do it.

No one but me.

I eyed that hill, volunteered, and before anyone could call me out, started to peddle. Once the hill’s arc, momentum overtook me, I let go of the handlebars and was coasting! I felt home free. That is until I hit the first turn.

I leaned into the turn, felt the speed wobbles, lost control, and hit the road hard! As I lay there hurting, my friends rode down to me laughing!

So just to prove I wasn’t scared and wasn't defeated, I got up, walked my bike back to the top of the hill, eyed that hill, fully committed, and went for it again!

I hit that first turn perfectly and started to pick up speed. I was pretty much at the bottom and was stoked. Everything was fine, until I started to get cocky, lost my concentration, and went down. I scraped my face pretty bad that second time. But I didn’t care.

I didn’t even care that I didn’t make all the way down. I conquered that sucker. Even my friends were pumped.

With fall comes a new season for many of us. Some of us have graduated high school and are going to college, while others may still be in college but are now older and wiser, ready for something new. Still others of us might be entering into a new job or are quietly looking for the next big adventure. Whatever part of life you may be in, consider your situation, and dare to jump into something big! I know some of us feel like we are on the verge of something BIG. What are you looking at?

The Bible says if that we have faith as big as a mustard seed, we can move mountains! Some of us just need to step up, commit, and jump! And if you mess up or fail, it’s okay! You can get back up!

Woody Allen said, “If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign your not doing anything very innovative.”

Life is for LIVING. Jesus wants us to have life to the FULLEST. Life ABUNDANTLY. Take a risk. Rise up and challenge yourself. Find a dream and reach for it. Be deliberate and don’t let life make your life decisions for you.

Sometimes you try something and you fail. But at least you tried.

Other times, you step out and by grace, you find you’re not made out of glass, you’re stronger then you give yourself credit for, you rise out of your failures, and you conquer.

1 comment:

  1. Ho, Brah!

    Thanks for sharing. That was really encouraging.


    Any story that involves some sort of skateboard reference is very classy.

    But, I'm wondering:
    -What risk are you taking?
    -How are you failing?

    Miss you brother.

    Aloha (good-bye),

