Saturday, March 20, 2010

I’m Back on the Wagon: Emmanuel


About a month ago I got a phone call that completely shattered my world, and I figured this blog was going to be one of its many casualties, just another thing I would leave behind. But as it turns out, life, though forever changed, continues to move forward. Transmissions of Transitions is not dead. I was just thrown off the wagon, thrown hard and far. If anything, I have more to share now. Everything has changed. It’s like I have new eyes as I see, new ears as I hear, and a new mind as I take everything in. Things might not ever be the same again, but I know that one they will be good again. I’m back on the wagon. I just hope my wounds and scars will act as bridges to other’s broken hearts. I also hope and pray that my family will be made whole once more.

About and hour ago, I sat down to write, I decided I wanted to listen to happy music that would give me hope. As I searched through my itunes library for the perfect playlist, almost by accident, my eyes struck gold, Christmas Music! What’s happier then singing about the birth Jesus Christ, the Hope of the world? Mix Christmas music with the musical genius of Shane and Shane and you’re in for a good time.

One song hit me hard and gave me such hope, “Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel.” The first verse goes something like this:

Oh come Oh come Emanuel

And ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appears



The lyrics describe a nation trapped, enslaved, exiled, desperate for help, desperate for hope., and ends with command to one’s self to REJOICE! Not once, but twice does the lyricist call trapped, hurting, and captive Israel to REJOICE!

Why should they rejoice? What reason could they have? They are beaten and conquered. They are people without a land, exiled. However bleak, they hope, they have a defiant hope because EMMANUEL, GOD WITH US.

I can imagine the old faithful, though beaten down, gathering their people and telling them, “Remember what LORD your God has done. Remember how He brought us out of slavery, through the desert, and into the land. Remember the LORD is with us and will bring us back. Remember.”

I am reminded of the answer the LORD gives to Moses after Moses questions the Lord, “The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come through for you.”* God is with us even now. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me. Nothing is too hard for him. I am confident He will bring my family and I through.

I am confident that He will bring you through your storm as well. “Every scar is a bridge to someone’s broken heart.”** Even now, God is with us.


Ernest Johnston

* Numbers 11:23

** Thrice Lyrics: Vheissu

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ernie -
    First, signs of life are always appreciated. Second, even though it isn't physically, remember that we're with you and here for you at a moment's notice.

    - Gwen B
