Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If All Your Friends Were Jumping Off a Bridge, Would You Jump Off Too?


To truly have courage, one must choose to rise against the fears that constantly seek to tame him, for a man who fears battle will win little or no victories.

What is it that causes us to play it safe? Why are we content to flirt with the edge, but never dare take the leap into the unknown, the unsafe, or dare we say it, unwise? Is it fear? What is it do we fear and why?

-Fear of getting rejected…

-Fear of change…

-Fear of the unknown…

- Fear of failure…

-Fear of public awkwardness or simply not fitting in…

-Fear of not being able to provide for those you love and are responsible for…

- Fear of (Fill in the blank)

How can we rise against our fears? How did David rise against the fear of Goliath, even as he taunted the entire Israelite nation? How did Moses overcome his fear of public speaking and lead a nation? They were able because they had someone greater then themselves, more powerful then their problems, and someone who was able and willing to pick them up when they fell or failed. They had the LORD God Almighty, the God who is without equal in both strength and love. They had a mentality that matched their lifestyle, a mentality that said, “If my God is for me, whom then should I fear.”

About a year ago, a movie called “Observe and Report” came out. Though the movie was absolutely terrible, the trailer was incredible and about midway through, the protagonist of the story (a mall security guard) makes a statement that hit me between the eyes and spoke to my soul, “The world does not need another scared man.”

In response to this, I wrote my own proverb, a short observation about life that in my experience has been true. I want to share it:

“A man tamed by fear, poisons his soul,

Such a man, the world has its fill”

A friend of mine always says, "you have to get uncomfortable to become comfortable."* I believe one way we grow as men is to bounce back from failure. This used to be modeled through apprenticeships. A master would teach his apprentice the ways of the trade and allow the apprentice to learn. Through repetition of tasks, soon enough, one would learn the trade and his master would give him journeyman status.

I believe with all my heart that God is who He says He is, and absolutely will keep His promises. Can we trust Him? Yes! Will life be easy? NO!

-Will we be rejected? Yes!

-Will we fall or fail? Yes!

- Will we get cheated? Probably!

-Will our plans not work out sometimes or completely fall a part? Yes!

-Will we still have problems and hardships? Yes!

Though life might not turn out the way we want and we get knocked on our asses, one truth remains the same, “It’s not that we get knocked down that matters, it’s how we get up again.” How we respond to hardship or fear is the true test to our character and faith. It’s easy to give or take risks when everything is going well or your future is secure. Personally, I think God not only wants to take us to the edge, but He wants us to trust Him and follow Him off.

One of my favorite speeches about fear and identity:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”**

Going back to the question I posed in the title of this entry, I would hope we would answer with big YES! Personally, I hope I’m the guy who jumps first, because I know God has got my back. However, if I look at my life honestly, I find myself in the safe zone a lot, content to live in my own comfort, satisfied with my surroundings.

I don’t want play it safe. I want to live, fail, and get up and try again. My life will be the evidence of my faith... hopefully! I’ll jump, because I know God will catch me I want to leave you with two other questions:

1. What if you were the only one jumping off the bridge? Would you do it?

2. What if NO ONE jumped off the bridge? Kind of a sad thought isn’t it?

“The key to change is to let go of fear.”***

Ernest Johnston

*Brandon Polley

**Marianne Williamson- I love this speech and it will no doubt get more air time on this blog.

***Rosanne Cash

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