Friday, January 29, 2010

The Right Tool for the Job


I walk around and talk to people of quality everyday. Some people are exceptional at art or music, while others are great at math or science. Some are geniuses at one or couple things, while others are the “jack of trades” type people. The list could go on and on. People are talented, but talented differently. The trouble is people, myself included, tend to have the “grass is greener on the other side” mentality. We celebrate and covet our neighbor’s talents and gifts, and forget the qualities that make us great.

I’ve never really been the handy man sort of guy, though I can’t help to be impressed when I see a well stocked man garage, complete with a wall full of tools for every occasion. Naturally, when I find myself in that type of situation, I like to talk shop with the guys, doing my best to blend in and add to the conversation, while at the same time try to learn a thing or two.

There's a tool for every situation, every project. I love that. I love finding the right tool for the job. One day, I hope to own my share of tools, and just maybe consider myself handy. Some guys just seem to know they can build or fix anything, while others know they can’t. I am a part of the latter, and that’s okay.

To be honest, I might not know a lot about building or fixing things, but I do know my way around the kitchen. I’m no chef, but the kitchen is my garage, my haven; and the pots, pans, and other kitchen appliances are my tools. Having the right tools makes cooking that much better.

So today I wanted to share two simple kitchen appliances I have, the apple cutter and the French press. Both are very practical and capable tools that produce solid and consistent results, but both the means to and the results themselves are incredibly different. I wouldn’t say one appliance is better then the other, just different.


The apple cutter is rad. I don’t know how else to describe it. It takes a whole apple, and with a little bit of force, instantly cuts the apple into clean crisp slices, and removes the core of seeds. Simply incredible! Whoever invented this is a genius, and probably had a lot of apple obsessed kids.


The French press is the instant coffee haters dream! It makes my mornings complete, providing me with quality cup of coffee without the hassle of filters or machine confusion. Simply add the coffee of your choice, pour some hot water in, press down the filter, pour, and enjoy your cup of goodness. I love this tool and use it all the time.

See the problem today is that the apple cutters of the world might feel good about themselves one day, and then the next day they see the French press, forget about what makes them awesome and useful, and wish they were more like that incredibly hip and righteous French press. The French pressers do the same. One day they’re on top of the world, and the next, all they want in life is to be an apple cutter.

We have things backwards. One of my professors likes to say, “The key to leadership is knowing yourself. It’s exactly that easy and exactly that hard.” *

So to all you French pressers, apple cutters, and other kitchen appliances, get to know what makes you great and useful, and remember to love that. If you do so, it will help you love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Until next time,


*Matt Browning

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