Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Defiant Confidence


There was once a man,

Who many consider quite foolish,

He built his house upon the sand.

But when the storms stormed and the floods flooded,

His house, standing so grand,

soon crashed and fell, even thudded.

Then there was another man,

This man was quite wise; you see he had a plan

He built his house upon a rock.

When the rains raged and the winds blew,

His house, though shaken,

held firm and steady, ever true.

The wise man’s hope founded on reliance,

Allows him to live loud, with confidence, shouting defiance.

His hope isn’t in things or chance,

And when the earth quakes, his foundation holds firm his stance.

God gives us HOPE that defies words like impossible,

He might lead you to a sea of red,

Or call you to build a house knowing there are storms ahead,

But I say this to you,

Trust God, build your house, and watch Him come through,

Ask for HOPE,

A defiant confidence that our God's character is ever TRUE

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