Sunday, February 14, 2010


To all my faithful and not so faithful readers!

It's been long and sickly week. I haven't written anything in a while because of health reasons and good old fashion busyness, but rest assured, I've had some good ideas brewing. Who knows, maybe I'll write something tonight.
It's been an odd week, but a good one. Here are some highlights:
- Lot's of sleep (exhausted sick sleep)
- Got hangout with Sarah McCutcheon for the first time since 2006! She is legendary.
- Watched two heavy documentaries that broke my heart. I will be writing about them.
- Went to entertaining, challenging, and enlightening conference about Songs of Solomon with the guys from the DGroup.
- Learned about failure, brokenness, and fear.

So expect this blog to pick up in the near future. Thanks for reading and being a part of my life.

Much Aloha. We are so blessed.


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